Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Outing 母の日のお出かけ

On May 13th, daddy took mommy and me for an outing. We went to Marines Stadium to watch a baseball game between Chiba Lotte Marines and Fukuoka Softbank Hawks (No, we didnt go to watch Pirates team, pls dont be confused by the shirt!). Marines won 3-2. Yeay!
5月13日(日) 対福岡ソフトバンクホ-クス戦。もちろん延長12回サヨナラでマリ-ンズが勝ったよ!

*Note the man behind us. He also smiled for the camera. (no, we dont know him, but he was nice to me. He made funny faces and I cried!)

*Daddy bought me Marines bandana, since the shirts are a bit too big for me.

*With Marines Mascot "Cool". He is COOL!

*Later that day, I was captured by the police !!!


*But this nice policeman let me go later. Oh, its my daddy! Did he change profession?????
でも、パパがおまわりさんだったので問題なし...  あれ、パパお仕事いつ変わっちゃたの???

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